
1. Setback in the first revolutionary upsurge following Naxalbari in the face of brutal repression. [pg.129]

2. This was the logic advanced by the CPI(M) General Secretary EMS Namboodiripad to explain its failure in Bihar. [pg.129]

3. See "On Contradictions – Antagonistic and Non-antagonistic" in the Social Scientist, September 1983 [pg.131]

4. Quite interestingly, SN had at one time slandered the Bhojpur struggle as being guided and financed by Jagjivan Ram and later on, the dominant section of the PCC leadership also preferred to dismiss Bhojpur as a purely caste struggle. Late Comrade CP, during my [VM’s -- Ed.] talks with him, revealed how on persistent enquiries by the Chinese comrades about Bhojpur, Bhaskar Nandy had continued to repeat similar allegations. CP, however, differed with them and was even inclined to consider that annihilation, as practiced in Bhojpur, did have practical justification. [pg.136]

5. Interestingly, Mr.Joshi refers to Rosa Luxemburg in his support as against Lenin. He is also very much against Stalin’s tackling of the kulaks. However, his comments on Mao are not known. [pg.137]

6. To be fair to him, it must, however, be acknowledged that his rural Bharat does also include sections of the urban poor slumdwellers for instance, whom he considers as peasants driven away by poverty. [pg.137]

7. The infamous Arwal massacre of 1986 led to nationwide protests. [pg.138]

8. MDCs are Members of District Council, the legislative body at district level. [pg.210]

9. The ASDC has been voted to power in the district council of Karbi Anglong thrice successively. Running the government at district level has thus become an important part of party practice in Assam. [pg.211]

10. The reference is to the protagonists of the liquidationist trend which arose in the Party Congress in 1988. [pg.336]

11. "CPI(ML)/IPF – Quest for a Left Role" by Prakash Karat, The Marxist, October-December, 1990. [pg.340]

12. The village in Burdwan district of West Bengal, where six of Party comrades – all agrarian labourers who had come over from the CPI(M) fold – were brutally killed by CPI(M) goons on 31 May 1993. At least thirty others were seriously injured and the entire garib para (poor people’s hamlet) was raged to the ground. [pg.353]

13. See Note 11 [pg.389]

14. The republican constitution produced by the French Constituent Assembly after the revolution of 1848. [pg.430]